philosophy talk: freedom

What is Freedom? Are we free?

The concept of freedom is one that has prevailed as a popular debate topic for years. The very foundation of countries was built on the concept of freedom. In addition, the idea of free will and fate are highly discussed in mostly religious aspects. In this paper I will explore the topic of freedom and free will.

             Freedom is defined as “the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action” as well as “liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another”. The essence of freedom according to these definitions appears to lie in the ability to act as one pleases to their fullest extent. Many people would consider someone such as myself, the typical college student to be free. I agree with the claim that I am, to some extent, free, but I do not think I am completely free. I do not think anyone can ever be completely free.

            There are multiple degrees of freedom to which a person can be considered free. When one is enslaved and cannot do anything they wish to, they have little to no freedom. I say little because there is the possibility they still have the freedom to do things such as eat, shower, or other things that they want to do. Even though majority of their life is dedicated to doing the bidding of another, the individual can still do things they want to sometimes.

          There is also the middle range of freedom, which affects someone such as myself. For example, I am free to go to college if I wish, or work if I wish. But other things such as caring what others think, money, and health limit me. When one cares what others think, they may not always act as though they want to due to the possible social repercussions. Many people are limited by money, as in not having enough and therefore having to work a job they do not want to in order to survive. Health can slightly to severely limit individuals based on the infliction.

         Then there is the possibility of being completely free with no restraints whatsoever. As humans this degree of freedom is not possible because of bodily restraints. Humans are never free to fly or run eighty miles per hour in the body they have. Bodily restraints are different for each individual. Someone who is 5’3” has more restraints in terms of height than a 6’5” person. Someone who is in a wheelchair has more restraints than someone who is able bodied.

              Freedom and choice is not the same thing. Freedom is the ability to choose to do or not do something. Choice is defined as “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities”. One always has a choice. For example, if someone told another to give them money or they would shoot them, many would say the individual can either give the money or choose to get shot. However, the individual can also attempt to run, fight back, and more. There is never only one option for an individual to take. You have the freedom to choose between two options. Even one who is enslaved has the option to obey, take punishment, or try to escape.

           The idea that one has the power to make choices in his or her life is free will. Free will is defined as “the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate” and “the ability to act at one’s own discretion”. Essentially, free will is the ability to make ones own choices without the interference of fate. If one believes in free will, then they believe that every choice they made is their own and was not predetermined.

              This contrast to free will is determinism. Determinism states, “All events, including human action, are predetermined”. Determinism would say that everything ever has led up to me writing this paper and there is no other outcome that could have occurred based on everything else that has happened. This can get tricky because the idea basically says that there no way that any other outcome could occur, so then people are not responsible for their actions. If that is the case, it is difficult to hold people to the law because it was predetermined that they were going to break the law and there is nothing they could have done about it.

             There are two types of determinism, soft determinism and hard determinism. Hard determinism is incompatible with freedom and holds that ones actions are predetermined and one has no control over their actions. Soft determinism holds that we are determined, but still free. As long as one is the cause of their action, then it was free action and not necessarily predetermined. Soft determinism leans more towards the idea that some things are predetermined, but one still has choice, which can shift their predetermined path.

                As I stated previously, one always has a choice. I do not think that everything is predetermined, though some things may be. Free will and the ability to choose are active in ones life, as is freedom. Freedom is active in individuals lives in different capacities based on the degree of freedom they are living under. Regardless of the presence of a God or gods, I strongly believe that each individual shapes their own life through their choices. I do not buy into the idea of fate or destiny; instead it is up to the individual. However, I, or anyone else, cannot know for sure. There is always the possibility that everything is predetermined, but it seems very unlikely to me. Determinism operates under a ‘cause-and-effect’ idea, in which because event A and event B happened, there could be no other event other than event C produced from A and B. However, we have no way of knowing that A and B will always cause C.


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