positivity is something that sometimes, really bugs me. i am all for being happy, achieving growth, and focusing on the good. however, i think that being optimistic all the time just isn't realistic. when something goes wrong, saying things like "well at least i'm not homeless!", etc., , in my opinion, don't bring anything to the situation. like yeah! okay, you're not homeless, and that's great, but i mean, so what? how does that have anything to do with the situation at hand? it's important to be grateful, and i try to list 3 things i'm grateful for every day, but i think that sometimes you just have to admit that a situation sucks. just allow yourself to be like wow, this sucks, this isn't fun. and then, move on. get over it. figure out a solution. allow yourself to feel everything towards the situation, and voice it, whether it's to a friend or to a journal. and then, sit down, figure out a solution, and move forward. i think that positi...